How can you design something without images? Human brains process the visual 60,000 times faster than text. Hence, to get your message across through the heads of your audience, you will need... Read more »

What are PWA websites, and how businesses can profit from them? In this post, we'll cover the operation concept of progressive web apps, their benefits, drawbacks, peculiarities and compare them with the... Read more »

IoT or the Internet of things is a word that we hear a lot. It is one of the most popular terms that we associate with internet technology. Internet of things, however,... Read more »

With the year coming to an end, it is time to cherish the memories left behind. What have you been most excited about this year? Some of you might say your marriage,... Read more »

Microsoft developed Visual Studio as an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). It is an all-in-one software that proves to be a blessing for any developer. It has an easy-to-use interface with various functionalities... Read more »

Since the past few years of this decade, the tech market boomed with words like Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, Blockchain, etc. From having big computers to having servers on the cloud, the introduction... Read more »

Have you ever been a day without using technology? We bet not. The advancement of technology has an impact on every aspect of the world. And our education system is no exception.... Read more »

What is a CAPTCHA? We first understand what is captcha then Let’s deep dive into the top 11 Recaptcha alternatives. A CAPTCHA stands for ‘Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers... Read more »

Imagine sitting with an encyclopedia to look for the basic information of any field? How time-consuming can it be? But with the evolution of the internet, it is just a matter of... Read more »