
Smart IoT devices using DIY electronic parts and sensors

IoT or the Internet of things is a word that we hear a lot. It is one of the most popular terms that we associate with internet technology. Internet of things, however, is just not a fancy word. It represents the development of technology in association with the internet. 

To highlight its importance, a lot of our daily use appliances are now dependent on the internet. These devices connect to a central network like your home’s WIFI and improve our convenience. Simple things such as lights, fans, doors, and other electrical appliances can be used easily.  

What makes these appliances special is their electronic parts and specifically their sensors. These sensors are incredibly efficient at transferring data and maintaining a connection to the central network.  

For example, if you have lights connected to your central network, you could program them to turn on the minute you walk into your room. This would be without any human involvement, as the sensors and other electronic parts would be responsible for performing this function. 

Importance of innovation in technology

With improvement in technology, we are experiencing innovation in certain niche areas as well. One of these niche areas is the sensor department. From sensitive sensors to smart actuators and other electronic parts, the efficiency of our devices has greatly increased. 

Most IoT devices use high-tech components that are durable, cheap, and above all, reliant. These incredibly small and impressive pieces of technology are a symbol of innovation. You can easily find these components in most devices nowadays, if not all.  

 However, you don’t need to depend on companies to build these devices for you. You can build your own smart IoT devices using simple sensors and electronic parts. Let us look at some of the probable devices you can easily build in your home.   

1. Smart IoT lock with DIY components

A lot of us struggle with keeping keys to our doors and locks safe. But what if you could have all the keys in your phone, and only you could open the doors with it? It was an interesting concept that has now become a reality for a lot of us. You also encounter such things in your daily life: gate keycards, automatic doors in breakout escape rooms, and many other places.  

Such locks would use a radio frequency identification (RFID) and a DIY circuit to open and close your locks. The whole project is relatively cheap. You will need a few wires, a power supply, a couple of resistors, a reader module to open and close the lock, and a microcontroller.  You can find a lot of videos for such projects.  

2. Smart DIY IoT device Controller

Many people are hesitant to invest in IoT devices that can effectively control their appliances. So, why not build your own controller.  You will be able to control your electronic appliances such as fans, heaters, lights, and much more easily from your phone.  

This DIY project involves a couple of different types of sensors. It will use temperature, humidity, ultrasonic, and moisture sensors. Other basic components include a microcontroller, a battery source, wires, LED’s, and an IoT device platform (For example, Blynk). 

3. Smart DIY Lighting in your Room

A lot of times, we think we could have more dynamic lighting in our rooms. Especially gamers who use RGB lighting in their rooms. One of the best parts of having such lights is the ability to control them. Most of these lights come with either no dynamic lighting effects or only some pre-programmed ones.  

Of course, making a DIY controller solves this problem. This DIY IoT project is quite simple and requires a few wires, a microcontroller, an IoT platform like blynk, and of course, your RGB lights.  Instead of standard lights, you can also use an RGB LED matrix which will be easier to use. 

4. Smart DIY motion Detector

We invest a lot in our security systems. A lot of these security systems are a great example of IoT. Although, not everyone can afford to buy these security systems, or they are not readily available. Don’t worry; you can make your own smart motion detector.  

To do so, you will need a microcontroller board, battery, a motion sensor, wires, LED’s, and some other components like resistors. After you complete the circuit, you just need to connect the circuit to the internet and code it in.  

5.  Smart DIY Noise Sensor

Amidst growing concerns for pollution, noise has been a factor for many people to decide their living space. Growing noise in bustling cities has prompted many people to try and get a noise sensor. But it is easy to make your own Smart IoT DIY noise sensor. 

To make this sensor, you don’t need a lot of components. You will need some wires, a sound sensor, an alarm, a microcontroller, Bluetooth, and an IoT device platform. This simple but effective device will connect to your phone via A custom App that you can build easily using an app creator.  

6.  Smart DIY item tracker

Sometimes, we have a tendency to lose our items such as keys, bags, wallets, and whatnot. Having an item tracker can save us the hassle of spending hours trying to find our items. Building a DIY item tracker is quite useful, especially if you have children. They often tend to misplace things, while we adults are guilty of doing the same as well from time to time.  

To build such a device, you will need a SIM, battery, some sort of network catcher(antenna), a microcontroller, circuit boards, and wires, among other things. While this device might be a bit bulky for your keys, you can easily use it for your bags and bigger objects. Once you master the build, you can condense the whole circuit to a smaller size that can inevitably be attached to keychains and key rings.  


IoT has a lot of applications in our lives. From the most simple and useful things to hacks that can change our lives. The most interesting aspect of IoT devices is that you need not depend on someone to make it for you.  

You yourself can do so with simple instructions and electronic components such as sensors, microcontrollers, and more.  Apart from the above-mentioned 6 Smart DIY IoT devices, you can make many more using these electric parts and sensors. 

Read Next : The Best IoT Devices

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Aniya More

Aniya more is one of the brightest content writer at She is a passionate writer who loves to read books and explore different escape rooms. With a great work ethic, she spends most of her time researching and reading. When she is not working, she likes to relax with a cup of coffee and enjoy watching her favorite tv show or walking her dog peanut.

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